Nicholas Ornitz ’16 Speaker Series

The undergraduate brothers of Mu Chapter had the pleasure of speaking with Nick Ornitz ’16 for the first speaker series of the spring 2019 semester. As a recent Cornell graduate, Nick was able to provide extremely valuable and relevant advice for the undergraduate brothers. Nick was very involved both on and off campus, so much of the time was spent discussing how to make the best of one’s time as an undergraduate––in coursework, extracurriculars, and within the chapter house. Additionally, with an influx of engineers in the new pledge classes, many of whom are considering a career in consulting, the brothers were able to gain a lot of value from the conversation, especially about how to navigate the major and apply it (or any other major) in a career in consulting. Undergraduate brothers also expressed interest in attending business school in the future and were able to gain insight and advice on how to best position themselves during their undergraduate careers.
On behalf of the brotherhood, we would like to thank Nick for his time and the alumni for the new facilities that allowed us to facilitate this speaker series.
Laura Santacrose of Cornell Health Leads the Brothers Through the “Intervene” Campaign

On March 19, the brotherhood was visited by Assistant Director of the Skorton Center Laura Santacrose to facilitate the Intervene Bystander Campaign in the Dick Cahoon Tech Center in the James H Keene III Memorial Library. The “Intervene” campaign is meant to educate an audience about when and how to successfully intervene in a problematic situation through both a video and a discussion focused workshop. The Tech Center and Memorial Library proved to be the perfect environment for the brothers and Ms. Santacrose to engage in a healthy discussion following the video presented in the conferencing center. Brothers were eager to speak up about issues that they’ve recognized in the past as well as how they’ve dealt with them efficiently. In particular, Good Samaritan laws were a huge topic of discussion, and Ms. Santacrose was able to clearly break down the implications of the laws as well as the safest and most responsible way to intervene in multiple scenarios.
The brotherhood is thankful for Ms. Santacrose’s time in both putting the program together as well as coming to Sigma Pi Mu Chapter to facilitate the workshop. We’re looking forward to partnering with Ms. Santacrose and Cornell Health in the future to host more workshops for our members.
Mu Chapter Awarded Highest Chapter GPA for Second Consecutive Year
Alumni, Sage Alex Ewald ’20, and Educational Foundation Treasurer Connor Riser ’16 after receiving
Sigma Pi International’s award for highest chapter GPA for two consecutive years.
Mu Chapter was presented with the Most Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for the second year in a row during Sigma Pi’s 54th Biennial Convocation this summer. The Chapter finished the spring semester with a 3.43 GPA, one of the highest among all fraternities at Cornell.