On behalf of the Mu brotherhood, we would like to thank all of those who contributed to the Dining and Learning for the 21st Century project and for making the trip to the Mu chapter house to take part in the official ribbon-cutting of the new Learning Commons. The creation of this new space, as well as the improvements made to the kitchen, stop-and-go, and other basement areas, could not have occurred without generous donations from our alumni, and we are honored that you came to see them in person. While we wish the brotherhood could have spent more time with you, we look forward to hosting many future visits to our new and improved space.
On any given week day at Mu Chapter, brothers are found in the Learning Commons, working around the tables, using the monitors for group projects, and visiting the stop-and-go for late night snacks. The basement’s use has increased significantly and will be a huge perk of living in the house for years to come. Thank you again for helping to make all of this possible.
The Educational Foundation began looking to aid the academic performance of the undergraduates through improvements to the house’s academic infrastructure in 2012.
2024 – The Foundation placed an order for new furniture in the Memorial Library, including upgrades to window and door blinds to prevent visual distractions, an additional eight-foot study table, and high-quality office chairs. These improvements aim to create an optimal study environment, helping the undergraduates to perform their best academically.
2020 – The Foundation funded further WiFi modernization in the Pi house, ensuring that the undergrads would always have access to top-of-the-line high-speed internet.
2018 – This past year has largely been focused on supporting the Dining and Learning for the 21st Century project with particular emphasis on the creation of the new Learning Commons. This space is a transformational addition to the chapter house and provides brothers with a needed collaborative study space—a much needed attribute that the chapter house that has been lacking for many years.
2015 – Dick Cahoon ’77 generously funded a number of needed study area upgrades and enhancements for the undergraduate brotherhood to do their work in the West Lounge and the Memorial Library. In addition, the Wireless infrastructure was completely upgraded to provide better WiFi coverage and security. The study space in the house has been significantly expanded with these investments, and many brothers now prefer to do their work in their rooms or in the Memorial Room rather than walking up the Slope.
2013 – The Foundation completed an Academic Space Assessment of the fraternity house to determine which areas were considered to be academic in nature and could receive funding for capital improvements from the Foundation.
2012 – Desk Appeal led by Aaron Klein ’12 raised funds for new desks to be placed in each of the 25 bedrooms in the house.